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2007 Porsche Cayman S, Porsche Technical Articles

2007 Porsche Cayman S Engine Health- Durametric “Actual Values”

Note- This is the first of several articles that I plan on doing to talk about things I have learned about the use of the Durametric Diagnostic tool on my 2007 Cayman S as an indicator of engine health (or lack thereof!).

I have a 2007 Porsche Cayman S, which is also known as a 987.1. One invaluable tool that I use as required to keep this car in top shape is my Durametric Diagnostic tool. Go to Durameteric’s website for their discussion of how this product works but, at a high level, you plug a cord from your cars OBD port to your laptop and with the Durametric software, there are a lot of things you can do.

One thing you can do is track Actual Values. The Durametric website does not give a complete accounting of which Actual Values you will be able to look at. So, here goes. For specifically my car and using the Professional version of Durametric , below are screenshots of the Actual Values that you can track in real time. And datalog if you wish. BTW, I just checked their website and it appears that the Enthusiast version should also be able to access these same Actual Values. Also BTW, it took me a while but I clicked on all of the Actual Values just to confirm that values were being reported. Maybe 10% of them reported 0.00, which may be a clever way to say there were no values to report. But in general, I was able to get info for all the parameters shown in the 3 screenshots below. The 4th picture below is just a freeze frame of a typical example of how the data is presented.

In my next article, I am going to explore some typical values that might be good indicators of engine health (or lack thereof). Bear with me. I am finding that there is not much readily available info on the web in this regard. I look forward to seeing what I can come up with. Just as a teaser, fuel trim values are an example of something that professional mechanics look at but I am sure there are other items of interest.


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